OMG, Nick -- so right on -- imagine if those stupid cops had said, 'we need to get a copy made of the key before we can go in!' I wouldn't put it past them!

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Even the Keystone Cops could have done better than these guys.

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And would have done it in 7 minutes NOT 77!!

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Or visually - impaired germaphobes with OCD.

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Once again I am ashamed to live in Texas.

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You're the 2nd person in as many days who's copped to being ashamed to be a TX resident. We SHOULD let them secede & become a third - world white trash banana republic.

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I feel the same. I am helping with the Beto Campaign in hopes we can turn Texas Blue....if we don't then I'm headed to San Miguel in Mexico!

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TAKE ME WITH YOU ! If we get another corrupt delusional Republican with a God - complex, America is dead & the Trumpists & Trump wannabes will be dancing on the corpse. We'll wish that we were Ukrainians.

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Keys? KEYS?!

They couldn't bash in the lock with a kick;

a rifle butt; shooting the lock; et cet et cet??

THX 4 toon NA .. 77 minutes .. 77 minutes ..

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Wendy - I'm sure that if the kids had been ALL WASP Evangelicals the coppers would've turned that lock into scrap metal fragments, & the gunman would've been face - down, a bruised, bloody mess with fractures, bullet holes, bruised organs, BUT - it happened in The U.S.' Largest Trailer Park, SO.....

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Gives the word " Overkill " a new meaning.....

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As a 35 year leo, my partners and I would not have waited!!

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