Get out and vote because your life and our democracy depends on it.

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only the worst possible person in the country gets a pass on responsibility for actions! this moron

can not be elected!

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Thx NA ,, tears down my face .. When one is Really Old, it is HELL to see so much of what one has fought for smashed &/or eroded. King GildedGoon .. Whew. Fie! https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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Same here.

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One other thing- somebody needs to stand up and say "The emperor justices of the corrupt Supreme Court have no clothes on. Lock them up.

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The Supreme Court is a biased corrupt awful damn mess. It is no longer supreme. It is in the toilet. When(not if) Biden wins the election, he should put the machinery in place to enforce term limits for these bozos. Then perhaps put them in prison for their crimes.

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What a ridiculous decision by the Supreme Court. The vote should have been 9-0 against total immunity. The 6 cowards who voted partial immunity did not have the courage to do what was right, but instead passed it back to a lower court.

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The bench is packed, this we know. This can be undone . My thinking tells me so. Dunning-Kruger Effect : Stupid is as Stupid does. Let's fuck them at the polls. Absolutely !

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More than one, unfortunately, given the Supreme Court majority themselves/

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Is anyone as frustrated as I am at the joke the men in the SCOTUS have turned into? Someone tell me where on earth all these republican idiots came from. The SCOTUS used to be an austere and well-respected body. Some of you may be able to remember the confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas when Anita Rice came forward and reported his terrible sexual harassment of her? If so, you will also remember what mocking things were said about her by men in the Senate. Now we rue the day that “the guys” in the Senate refused to listen to her. Thomas is a slug. Kavanaugh, Barrett and Alito give me the real Democratic creeps. Even Roberts, who seemed to have a tiny bit of professionalism, has jumped on top of the clown car. No arm of the government has remained untouched by the venom of these parasitic and infantile republicans. I feel like I’m watching a train wreck in slow motion.

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