You’ve nailed it AGAIN!! Bravo!

And thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!

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I love your flag and the fingers, almost as much as I hate Trump. Nice job.....Happy holiday weekend!

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Remember when the Supreme Court issued decisions and findings in a professional manner? Remember when Supreme Court Justices were truly respected? Just as the white house became a dog-and-pony show under trump, the Supreme Court and the trump-appointed justices have become publicity-craving, petulant children in a playpen together. I miss government dignity, fairness and respect.

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Oh so do I!!! Who could have imagined a day when such craven rampant corruption, such STUPIDITY could have infected the Supremes, who were once wise, just, and worthy of respect?! If they were flawed —-only human—-before, the majority are now utterly vile. Vile! It’s time to revamp the Court from top to bottom, enlarging it, term limits, enforceable ethics constraints, and impeachments of Thomas and Alito, who have gotten away with EVERYTHING for decades. Anyone else would be in jail!!!

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I completely agree.

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Nailed it again!

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Another perfect toon. Whew. 'Malaise Lout' will skate, slither, slime. When have the gops not?

Yep, Malaise Lout is his anagram, as is Lord J.DampNut for whom Judge Lout is a lickkkspittle. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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