GR8 ghastly 2-true toon by fab NA. I would just change the sign in Right Panel to

Mag-a-Loco. Theocrazy sux . . .

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Theocracy : Taliban envy. Will we start treating epilepsy & strokes by dousing people with holy water or oil & shouting " THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU ! " ? What about more Inquisitions & witch trials ?

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Better more shekels in the Collection Plate. This will assure health, wealth and good Sex. Perhaps, another Gulfstream for Franklin Graham, Kenneth Copeland, ad nauseam.

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If " God " ( Osiris, Brahma, Zeus, Odin, etc. ) strikes these money - grubbing charlatans down. I'd be a confirmed believer again.

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Yes, that may well do it for me as well.

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Or God holds a fake " rapture " & then drops them into a vat of electric eels. " Again ! Again ! ".

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I heard someone recently refer to it as Mar-a-Mildew. I think that's my new favorite.

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Mar - a - Lackey is supposedly a giant roach motel, based on what I've heard, but to TFG # 45, it's GREATER than Versailles. Donald may as well be Don Quixote.

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…and, to initiate a friendly Debate, WHO will be his sidekick?

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There are any number of sycophantic yes - people who would enjoy the role. Someone who enjoys butt - kissing & being in the shadow of a corrupt ignoramus who could be outthought by a dead goldfish.

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Sounds like a gaggle of Trumpist shmucks, too many to fit in a Prologue to Frank Harris brilliant tome, ‘My Life and Loves.’

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Why do they keep covering almost every move that he & parasitic administration make ? We ought to keep an eye on his ex, Putin.

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Nice. Trump, the gift that keeps on giving, never a dull day…wait, until he re-enters Twitter.

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On that day, I'll avoid social media like it can cause neurofibromatosis or something equally life - destroying.

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Inspired, to be sure….’Mag-a-Loco.’

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It's the truth, sadly.

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Yes, this the truth, whole truth, and nothing less.

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4th box - Arsenal of Freedom - title of a first season episode of Star Trek: TNG

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Classic! A total hoot.

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