You do have a very good and painful point, but your verbs are off a bit—Biden IS an excellent president. Please don't join and advance a media- and opponent-driven yearslong campaign. To dismiss almost four years of the quiet, positive, most productive and successful president in decades on the basis of a few hours on one night is overreacting. Of course, the media has taken it like a terrier shaking a rat. The Democrats have many great potential candidates, but the time frame makes changing horses midstream now a recipe for disaster. I truly enjoy your work, and I respect your views, which you have a right to express. For the time being—without democracy, a prospect we're actually facing, you might not.

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Well said, just listen to the questions the media asked Biden’s press secretary and you will hear, on full display the stupidity of the press. Please don’t lower your fine work by joining these low intelligence reporters.

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The Press wants stories, not facts ..

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I'm rooting for Joe. He's a known and preferable to an unknown. I'm not saying he's great but he's a 1,000 times better than Trump. He's an old fuck but he is a seasoned politician and has American's best interests at heart. I am hoping for the best but can contemplate the worst, which we can't let happen. Anything everyone does between now and election day to forward democratic causes is important! I've decided I will not become consumed with this as my sanity is at stake. Happy 4th to All, stay safe !!!

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my question is, who will the dems choose? we have a plethora of young qualified choices, but who will we rally around in just 4 months? anyone would be better than trump, but who gets the nod? I strongly believe Joe can & will win. If he unfortunately falls ill, at least we have Kamala and control

of the office. With the evil Project 2025 a certainty if the GQP wins, all democrats need to rally behind

Joe and all he’s accomplished. Happy 7/4/24 to all. may we still have our democracy on its 250th


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Would you want John and Jane Q Public throw away your entire career based on this cartoon? You would be replaced today.

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Perfect point.

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I think it is rude of you to share this on July 4th. Have more decency! You are no better than the media.

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What a painful decision America has. Joe helped us finally live through the pandemic. He brought our boys home from Afghanistan before more of them died. He raised social security and reduced insulin’s price—-there are many more good things he brought about for Americans. Personally, I cannot express adequately my sincere thanks for Joe pulling us out of all the crap we were struggling with as a result of trump.

Now what? Even if he did decide to step down, who is there among all the democrats that’s honest enough, tough enough, good-hearted enough and that has the courage to face down the sick and twisted trump and his hanger-ons like Marg Taylor-Green, “Jim” Johnson and all the other republican scum? Who is there for us??

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I respectfully disagree.

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C'mon NA. Of course I hate magats Most.

But I hate debate-whining, quisling·Dems next-Most.

Fie! . Cerberus is going to get obese.

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Interesting. Everyone sees what they want to see. Even journalists.

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I agree that although Biden was a very good President, he should have this last year, let it be known that Kamala has learned a lot from him. But, he realizes it is his tiime to take a step back.

But, he would be willing to provide her any acces to his brain in the future.

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In 2016, the GOP had no winnable candidate. Desperate, they handed the party to Trump, the physical embodiment of the plague. Now, it's the Dem's turn, apparently. ?: Who do they (I'm not on the search committee) have in mind once Biden is sent forth? How about someone publicly fuzzy and neutralizing yet who commands power > Michael Bloomberg? ..

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Look how TV made Trump look powerful on “The Apprentice”, while the reality was he snorted adderal, soiled his pants, and only spoke the script.

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Mr. Anderson—Thank you thank you thank you. Biden’s performance in the debate was not a one-off “bad night”. It has now come out that this troubling behavior (getting confused, losing his train of thought) has been happening with increasing frequency for a year. Especially at night—so the WH staff schedules appointments only from 10-4 and gets him off-camera by 6 pm when possible. This behavior pattern is called “sundowning”, and unfortunately it is a marker of sliding into dementia. I’m a retired ICU RN and I’ve seen this at least a hundred times. The Democratic Party needs a new candidate ASAP. Joe Biden has been a good President, but it’s time to go home.

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With all due respect to talents as an ICU nurse, that doesn’t give you the knowledge of a psychiatric professional. Please don’t forget you have witnessed ICU psychosis as well. Listen to all the experts on this subject, they all say Biden is normal aging and doesn’t affect his job performance vs Trump who really is suffering from early dementia, including sundowning. Listen to the experts, you don’t take into account the enormous amount Biden accomplishes in a week, including his travels across the globe, unlike Trump who golfed almost constantly while president.

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It is actually Trump supporters who would love for Biden to step down. He is not going anywhere! Please stop pandering to national media and speak truth to power . We love Biden and at the age of 72, I can say he is the best President in my lifetime!! Stop picking on him and practicing ageism!!!

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