Oh god. It is to weep.

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Grrroan. Horribly funny. Thx NA. @nick_anderson_ https://nickanderson.substack.com/

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I've always wondered at the huge investment into space. Scientific? yes ! Interesting & Intriguing? yes !!! Helpful to those on earth? Maybe, probably no !!!!! Costly in dollars & lives ? YES !!!!!!! Will it continue to expand? HELL YEAH !!!!!!!!! We, as Americans are hell bent on the outer space. I may send myself there so I can evade the next 2 month of antagonizing political BS. We Democrats will win because it is right and meant to be. Fight on and let's bring this election to its fruition.

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Oh, I've thought for quite awhile that space exploration was a humane landfill project for Maga and the like!!

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Yeah. Bunkerboy's candidacy is a lost cause bankrupting those gullible to STILL send the Alzheimers-in-Cheat their pill money to him.


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Yep.....he's now trying to weasel out of the debate with Kamala. No balls at all. He needs to be hit harder & harder everyday. No relenting. It's time Dems get tuff !

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He's a sad, scared liddle fatty with zero testasterone and LOADS of Alzheimers like his criminal daddy! (Remember: lack of exercise, the diet of an 8 year old and a MAMMOTH gut makes diseases GALLOP!)

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so, just another cog in the wheel excuse? another merger to solve issues?

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She’s dying up there. It’s so sad. NASA is not perfect, but Boeing is not up to the task. 😢

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OMG! Priceless!!!!!!

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This is what happens when you let hedge funds buy out companies and sell them piecemeal, skirting any regulations to maximize profits. This system works as intended, and it must change to work for the benefit of most people.

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