I think the clowns should look more like the mutant clown in Stephen King’s movie, “It”. I think it won’t be very long until the delusional and demented proposals of trump bring on a hard recession to be followed by a significant depression. Fifty-four point three percent of all Americans have post-high school education. I would have thought that amount could flesh out trump for what he was and have the intelligence to realize voting a president with dementia into office would be a disaster. I was wrong. Thinking Americans can tell what’s coming down the pike now and have to prepare for it all any way we can. Unfortunately, we’ll have to suffer right along with the idiots that will have caused our future disasters. Betty Davis summed everything ahead of us very well. “Fasten your seatbelt. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

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There is absolutely no long-term thinking process, or thinking-it-through-to-the-end process. By default or accident. Everything is just the spur-of-the-moment. Visible in the foreign politics especially State Department for the last 70 years. Visible in corporations quarterly reports (it is solid and good to see how the company is performing, but without a worthwhile long-term goal to bring new product, with long-development times, into the market it is worthless and just a navel gazing).

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I’m coming to the conclusion that it’s not the lack of education that is the culprit, but the lack of emotional intelligence and the ability to self regulate, that are the missing ingredients. I know too many educated idjits to believe otherwise.

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Absolutely wonderful. A book of these somewhere along the line. Though obviously we are far from finished.

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A meeting of the minds.....sorry, there are no brains, just a bunch of Bozos. I feel so sad but I won't let it get me down. Stand strong and remember the important things; Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. I hope everyone believes we can attain it. Happy weekend to All !!!

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Their biggest argument is who gets to be Bozo. It got resolved. They are all Bozos!

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Ahhhh sukstinkkkt ..

The Putridiot Offal Dregs we are suckered·&·losered with.

THX NA. Gr8 toon as always. @nick_anderson_


You ARE nicer than I am. I would be guanoer aka cRUDE. But then My ride is a broom.

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This is GREAT news! Unlike his first failed term, Bunkerboy kicked out ALL the competent people!

I dare say FULL DAYS will be spent tying shoes and finding the bathrooms. Because of this, after two years of NO achomplishments again, the midterms will be fun!

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No joke. <- see what I did there 😆

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Elect a clown expect a circus!🎪

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The hatred of DEI is likely because those hires are more competent than the haters.

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Always remember Charlie Sykes warning: a clown with a flame thrower still has a flame thrower.

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This truly portrays the upcoming cabinet. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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A circus is fun. tRumps nominees gathered together, not so much.

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The GOP has been the party of projection for quite some time. I think we can safely say it is also the party of fragile masculinity.

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Appt on!

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