Whew. Each too damned brill. This SlaughterGun Murikkka Obscene Obsession makes me

weep & scream at the same time. I'm speechless. Only toons can hold some glimmer of my Volcanic Rage, my Volcanic Sadness. GR8ful NA.

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Good idea to share all of these at one time....so very sad but so very true!

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It is hard to make any progress in a society run by right wing radicals.

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Posting them all together magnifies the power of each! Well done.

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OMG!!!!! These cut me to my core!!!!

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Thank you! If it weren't for creative and brilliant truth tellers like you, our tragedy would be even worse.

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Republicans are more worried about fetuses than living, breathing school children. The NRA spends millions to their campaigns. It is really all about money and power.

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Some goof ball wrote in to the Denver Post in today's issue and touted the "positive solution" to massacres like Uvalde of arming the teachers. Yeah, that ought to take care of the problem. Idiot.

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Dear Nick, I felt so awful when I went to work today that I almost burst into tears at one point. I can't take it when I see our beloved country going down in flames whenever there is another massacre. The corrupt Republicans(including those on the Supreme Court) behave like those awful cartoon-like characters in The Hunger Games. They. Don't. Care.

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There was a shooter running loose in the area where I live. Is it " freedom " to live in a society where one is WARY of going out after dark, where " thoughts & prayers " are considered a Band - Aid cure - all for disastrous situations ? Any delusional maniac redneck can take a surrogate phallic symbol & carry it like Excalibur, but if I take a K - Bar knife with me in public for self - defense & ONLY self - defense the LEOs can put me on the sidewalk like a hogtied animal ? THIS is " freedom "?

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