Nick, I found the article to be quite disturbing, but thank goodness for the integrity of the honorable Judge Jacks. The whole situation reeks not so much as of a cover-up, but more of a failure to investigate; appalling, since these are very serious allegations. I do hope that the girls and young women residing at The Refuge receive the justice they deserve, and the parties responsible are handed their justified punishment as well.

I would also like to thank you for providing links to your subject matter. I wish all editorial artists would provide a bit of "back-story" into their inspiration (and maybe some fact-checking -- Mike Ramirez, I'm looking at you), and you consistently give us our VIP pass.

By the way, I was pleased to see "The Gaffe" featured in The Week's "Today's Best Cartoons," even though I don't so much equate your work with cartooning. More Trudeau, less Archie & Jughead, for sure. Kudos, at any rate! Perhaps soon I'll see you again in Matt Wuerker's Politico roundup -- your Windmill piece was genius.

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Thanks, and thanks for letting me know about The Week. I hadn't seen that.

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"Today's Best POLITICAL Cartoons" -- sorry, must be Monday.

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Nick, you hit the nail on the head again. This man is so disgusting, I can’t imagine any dog liking, much less trusting him.

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2 true. #GhoulGreg #RabidAbbott #GovernorOfDeath is thugly malo frio hueco .. wicked cold hollow. Limp IQ; zero EQ [Emotional Intelligence is the next step in evolution .. in which Dems have an heartstart.]

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Living in Texas I cannot say enough about how you are "right on"!

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spot on Nick! GOP platform all about division

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He lives in a glass mansion & has tossed his share of stones, obviously. I won't be very flippant, or flippant AT ALL like I've been other times because of the topic.

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