The clueless EQless magats will drive us to fire &/or famine. We need to change it to "It's the Stupid Economy." It is thehorrorthehorror. Thx NA for stark toon. [EQ =Emotional Intelligence, the next step in evolution .. if we get to evolve rather than extinct.] @nick_anderson_
OMG!!! The entire world should see this one, Nick!!!!!
You destroy the earth you destroy yourself! Greed greed greed!
Won’t destroy the earth us is another matter
Thank you for calling out what our future may be. So very sad. So much greed.
Too true.
The clueless EQless magats will drive us to fire &/or famine. We need to change it to "It's the Stupid Economy." It is thehorrorthehorror. Thx NA for stark toon. [EQ =Emotional Intelligence, the next step in evolution .. if we get to evolve rather than extinct.] @nick_anderson_