Democracies are hard to establish and harder to maintain. Just look at the US the last decade or so. As has been noted many times, the US is NOT a democracy, but a republic with many and varied voting restrictions.

A democratic republic needs educated, knowledgeable and participating citizens in order to function optimally. Maintaining and governing a democratic republic is hard work.

An informed, thinking, participating populace is not required to maintain an authoritarian government.

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Exactly the reason Republicans are so against an knowledgable public and are constantly attacking education through budget cuts, restrictions to what can be taught, and banning books.

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Do these 3 comments sound a TAD ANGRY to you?😁😁😁😁


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Sigh. A democratic republic is a form of democracy, despite fervent rightwing efforts to redefine it as not (which apparently is working)...🥴

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Wonderful column—and I have the same mixed feelings and love Talnaes’ work. (But just as an aside, wasn’t it the Supreme Court who ruled that “corporations are people?”). I am a Californian who has been supporting journalism by subscribing to the Post and New York Times for years. I got disgusted with the Times for not supporting Harris and cancelled my subscription. Now I feel the same about the Post. What do I do??

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Read ProPublica.com It's very good.

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And it is the Supreme Court and Congress that have allowed SuperPACs, and have killed off or weakened most attempts to make elections publicly-financed.

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Dear Nick,

I admire your candor and your courage. You are a good and decent man. God love and bless you.

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did you notice that they took the "Democracy Dies in Darkness" off the masthead? Telling.

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OMG. I hadn't noticed. I wonder if that was Bezos' handiwork or if it was a silent protest by employee(s).

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Have you seen their new comment format (unless all the hate toward it made them stop), where there's an AI generated question about the article, and then 4 choices of reaction buttons under each comment? Horrible.

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I WAS a New York Times virtual reader for quite a few years. Now? WORTHLESS!

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Government of,by, and for oligarchs

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😢 I agree. We are well and truly screwed.

I have tried to cut off every penny of my personal expenditures that benefit Jeff Bezos. This is a drop in the bucket, I know.

I'm pretty sure I'm never buying a tesla or anything else Musk has to sell.

I don't want to stop watching Disney Plus but WTF else can I do?

Substack amigos, who else should we boycott?

Thank you for any advice you can give! ❤️

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I stopped buying from Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Uline to name a few several years ago when I became aware of their support for politicians and groups I find horrifying. I'm sure they don't miss my pittance that I spent and wouldn't care if they knew who I am, however, it satisfies my conscience. I'm having a senior moment while trying to remember every company I don't buy from, but, these are a few. I'm looking for a substitute for Amazon who unfortunately I am still buying from because I am unable to shop for, buy and carry large heavy packages or drive all over town to pick up nitpicky little stuff I need. I have switched to Chewy for my pet food. There are a couple of restaurants in the town where I live that I will not patronize, the ones with the Trump signs all over. I get tired of Bezos blowing all of my hard earned money and others on ridiculous yachts and his bimbo girlfriend and I do realize it's not actually my money. He and his scumbag compatriots don't deserve tax cuts and free government benefits while there is one person in this country starving or homeless. Happy Fricking New Year

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too many politically oriented people in positions in media only justify what appeals to their own

proclivities... bezos et al, are wont to feel the thinness of their skin when questioned as to

their lofty status...

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Although it takes courage to make a statement by quitting, if everyone with a conscience quits the news publications who will be left and where do we get our news?

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When, in the course of human events .. Try to get that past the censor.

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The great mistake of US politics has been that Democracy and free speech best takes root in a Capitalistic society. Now we are witnessing it will be the death of both.

I use to work for the largest downstate Illinois newspaper which was first bought by Gatehouse and subsequently stripped of all its talent and turned into ghost of its former self. All so executives could get nice, fat bonuses.

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Yes, Democrats need tight ass lawyers, specializing in corruption.....Jack Smith??? Also This game will continue to play out until someone calls the ball. I'm in killer mode (for DJT).

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calvin ball anyone?

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