the " red wave " was a trickle ! I received so many panicked appeals for money, support, etc. that I was bracing for the worst. The GOP had their collective ass handed to them on a platter & given a black eye, but this is still no time to rest on our laurels. The Republicant's will want revenge, & their " God " is ornery, childish, mean - spirited, hot - tempered, & thirsty for blood.

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You have captured the essence of this important time perfectly. Thanks

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Republican'ts took a beating, & THEY WILL WANT AN EYE FOR AN EYE & A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH. Like their role mode / " Messiah " TFG # 45, they will not go gentle into that good night. In other words, they are petty, spiteful spoiled brats who don't know how to lose gracefully & in an ADULT fashion.

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Colorado is still counting the votes in the Boebert/ Frisch battle. Hopefully, we can boot this embarrassment to Colorado out of office. I'm referring to Mrs. B. of course.

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Thanks, you have such spot on Pen Strokes.

I appreciate your work!!

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