I am writing to my senators and congresswoman this week regarding Elon Musk's abuse of power. I did not vote for this madman and drug addict. He does not speak for me. I intend to do all that I can as a private citizen to stop him.

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I've been calling my Senators and representatives voicing my concern. I haven't yet heard from them but have left many messages. But I'll keep calling and emailing them.

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Mr. Anderson, thank you for this cartoon and the terrific essay. This is a hair-on-fire moment, and so far, most of officialdom seems a lot less worried than I am. I've been writing and calling my representatives, including twice today. I live in a red state, so I may just be a clanging gong in the Indiana wilderness. But I'll keep clanging and hope I get through. Musk is moving fast, and I'm urging my senators and representative to move faster. trump says he is directing musk, but who knows? What I know is that trump must be prevented from becoming king, and musk is not elected to anything and has no authority. But he is bulldozing the nation.

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I hope somebody grows the balls, and, quickly, makes and implements a plan to get tid of him. He needs to be arrested, prosecuted to the fullest extent, and, if possible, deported. He is a clear and present danger to this country, democracy, the rule of law, and the great people of this nation. Something has got to be done, NOW!!!

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This is a clear breakdown of political and legal norms, not different from the coups one hears about in some other parts of the world. However, when I read Trump supporters, their counter view seems worth addressing:

1. So what if DOGE has no legal status? At least someone is trying to do something about wasteful government expenditure!

2. So what if 4 young kids from Musk’s team have unprecedented access to sensitive citizen info? We have a right to know where our money is going.

3. So what if DEI policies are being removed? We can finally stop apologizing for white privilege

4. So what if we increase tariffs? Look at how Mexico and Canada ‘folded’! Clearly Trump knows what he’s doing and the Dems are over estimating the dangers as usual.

5. So what if Palestinians are being told to shift to Egypt? Their land is not livable on, anymore anyways. Won’t they be better served if they have houses, clean drinking water, healthcare, schools etc in Egypt or some other country?

If sane voices want to be able to organise communities against these policies, they need to find a way to talk directly to these conclusions the Trump supporters have made. Community dialogue js particularly relevant right now as a way to shift something, since the media and the Democrat senators are no longer effective.

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when even the lutherans are deemed too liberal. sheesh.

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Sadly very accurate!

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Keep it up. There is some frightening unlawful breach every day. Those young men may come to regret their actions if arrest is an outcome. With Trump and other degenerates in power, no one sees this now,but with demonstrations like today's and strong lawsuits, maybe the tide will turn.

China is eating his lunch, making an even stronger alliance with Mexico, and may fill vacuums in aid and influence if we abandon those. Guantanamo is open, which fills everyone with horror and now it doesn't matter as much to central valley crops that Trump wasted the water because, what crops? Who will show up? Anyway, we need you.

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