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I'd post on Twitter, but I don't want to get in trouble with Lord Elon.....

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Write (& draw) on, Nick!

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Nailed it!

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Now this one is right on the mark!!!

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Great Nick! Calling out another “victim” rich kid (like the orange clown) who learned early how to pad his pockets at the expense of the world. When you start out rich you get access to information that you can use to pad your pockets (thus Tesla) were he a true humanitarian he wouldn’t have $44B to buy more toys to push people around. We need heroes and humanitarian’s not more con men spoiled little rich boys.

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spoiled brat needs a time out...a really long time out. Maybe he'll take a seat on one of his rocket ships!

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Ye goddesses .. how perfect! Unto the Яussian 'Я' .. I am too cluckcluck [chicken] to post on twitter which I have done for every other NA toon. It's so good, I should. But I so LUV twitter & don't wanna get chucked off. .. cacklchortlfaw .. 😹😹

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Elon Musk is a hateful, overbearing little fascist swine.

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I've used Twitter as little as possible even before the tsunami of whackaloonery, same for FB, I see no reason to resume or increase usage now

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Twitter is Fabulous for Art; & quirky photos; & sudden birds so glorious I all but weep in amazed frabjous joy; & delightfully snarky pals.

I hate that Elmo Sulk has invaded us, but we decent sensible sane humane Will Prevail.

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