I am done humoring these silly people who insist on following a criminal and pathological liar.

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Apparently a lot of them are " allergic " to critical thinking & / or just want to defer to a " leader " to be their shepherd. They also want to try to shuck off personal responsibility & join a leader in whatever fairy tale delusion that he ( sometimes she ) can patch together.

Very pathetic, & while IQ level is a factor, one doesn't have to be a TOTAL IGNORAMUS either. People who are reasonably intelligent can be sweet - talked into a cult.

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This entire charade has gone on for so long. Trump and his corrupt GOP have made our country a joke among the nations. Please, God, deliver us from this ongoing train wreck.

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Amen to that! And I'm an atheist, but we need some kind of higher power to intervene

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people with a brain & a true sense of right & wrong need to VOTE THEM OUT!!

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I'm surprised that hasn't blamed the Democratic party for planting classified documents at Mar - a - Sh-thole. That would be right in keeping with Right - Wing extremist conservative practices, or tricks.

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. DungTongued #BloatedDolt's Mantra:

Excuses, excuses. Lies, lies.

Lies, lies. Excuses, excuses.

thx NA .. LUV th' toon.

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Yes, Tiffany. He's damn more competent and concerned about the welfare of our democracy than Trumpty Dumpty ever could be.

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Trumpty Dumpty - I was sure that I coined that phrase. Great minds think alike !

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Spot on, Nick! You’re on a roll with these GOP cartoons! Keep slugging!

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Oh, yes : Have my years of watching Family Guy affected my mind, or does Donald Dumbster - Fire resemble Chris Griffin, just uglier, fatter, dumber & more corrupt ? 🤔🤔

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You are correct,as usual, Nick. How can 35 to 40 percent of Americans be so gullible or evil?

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I just read that Trump thinks Biden's speech was hateful and divisive. Nice one. Donnie. Really

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Will this insanity never end....!!!

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