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Thank you

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Unfortunately, so true.. Republicans govern by fear. Now because of the failure to restrict gun control, we fear going out in broad daylight, anywhere, grocery stores, churches, schools, restaurants, and the open streets. Then they made us fear physical intimacy with scare of birth control, unwanted pregnancy, fear of voting, environmental disasters and fear of our own corrupt government and supreme court. Our national and many state governments do not now retain any remnants of sound or fit leadership. This democracy cannot survive unless there is a drastic turnaround, which it seems the Supreme Court is intent on preventing.

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The GOP is going to have us putting on bulletproof armor, helmets, & / or flak vests if this unbridled RAMPANT insanity keeps rolling on like a juggernaut. What's next ? RPG - firing drones using random people for target practice ? FLAME - THROWERS ?

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Maybe prescient unfortunately

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The DNC haven't had much luck reining in these homicidal psychos. They respond to logic & bipartisanship about like killer bees on steroids & crack. I initially had high hopes for the Biden administration ( although I would've preferred Bernie more ), but he's coming across like a spineless milquetoast who seriously needs to GROW A PAIR.

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OMG NICK!!!! That is SO GOOD!!!

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Thank you

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Whew. Thx NA. I feel like screaming WELL-REGULATED all the damned day. //I am willing to give Each Citizen a Musket which is what the darn Constitution contemplated (Well, except for black people & women). There must be some way out of here said the joker to the thief . . . [Look, even giga-macho swaggero Australia dealt with these cursed SlaughterGuns . . .]

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Unfortunately that appears to be coming or something akin to it. God help us.

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I highly recommend nationally mandated psychotherapy for those 18 to 30 who are showing especially homicidal tendencies. Of course, this means an extra heavy work load for teachers, school counselors, police departments, those who work in grocery stores, or any retail outlets. As if we didn't already have enough to do. I work for a super market chain and I wonder every day if someone is going to walk through our front door and start firing.

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Not enough targets around. Schools, churches, hospital pediatric wards, ICUs, synagogues, parades, conventions, senior citizens centers, kindergartens - they're like hunting in wildlife preserves as far as these psychotic sicko rednecks are concerned.

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Great format

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This tells it all, Nick. Very poignant.

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Thank you Nick. Brilliant.

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It's a great one Nick, but even better if it read 'Last year' and 'This year'.

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WTH kind of Independence is this?? VOTE BLUE

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Geez..... and Mitch says all is now moving forward since they are addressing the "mental health" issues that cause these mass shootings! How much more money do you need from the NRA Mitch in order to keep your place in the Senate? Money vs. lives....no big choice for Mitch!!!

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Biden along with Merrick Garland.

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Hey Y'all ( trying to sound Redneck ) Isn't it EVERY good God - fearin' Macho Amurrican's Constitutional God - given right to tote around weapons that could blow the top floor off of a BUILDING or bring down a helicopter or plane & keep the US safe fer white conservative hetero Evangelicals ?

What are y'all anyway ? Commie Librul - lovin' pansies ?

In case you're wondering, I'm feeling especially SARCASTIC today in view of this latest wave of uncontrolled white - trailer trash insanity.

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