The Republican Party has become an authoritarian corrupt entity caring only for its own money, power, and its own interests. It is un-American.

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Didn't these whackaloons start burning MATH BOOKS on the assumption that they had something to do with critical race theory ? Beyond PARANOID or DELUSIONAL.....

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These wackaloons have just scored another one- the Supreme Court is overturning Roe v. Wade. The Handmaid's Tale here we come.

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Fascist playbook somewhere around the 4th or 5th inning....

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I never met a band book i did not like and enjoy !!

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In case you can't read all the shirts: Books; Kaepernick; Trans Kids; Teachers; U.S. Racial History. Gr8 if horrifying toon. [In about 1992, my "audio guy" from TV told me in a midnight rain-shining parking lot that he "knew I knew" (I had zero clue) that in his heart he had always been a woman from when he was a child. I nodded sagely & we hugged. She made the change & was clearly whole & truly & truly happy tho Stunned by the Abyss of Misogyny she was now exposed to (by people who had no idea she was trans, only that she was a woman). She could NOT believe how women endured the Ceaseless Rubbish.

Seeing her as her true self, tho, is a highlight of joy in my life.]

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God help us all. I hope he's down here with us.

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