Truer than you realize. There are 350 miles of tunnels under Gaza (150 square miles). The Hamas terrorists hide their major bunkers under almost every hospital, school, mosque & civilian neighborhood. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes it a war crime to use civilians as shields for legitimate military targets & makes it legitimate to attack these military targets. It is Hamas that is in violation of the Geneva Conventions by using their own citizens as human shields. And why does nobody point the real violations of the Geneva Convention Common Article 3, Hamas.

rticle 3 (duplicated in each of the 4 Conventions) pertains to attacks SPECIFICALLY targeting civilians, as Hamas' invasion was. In part, it reads:

"...the parties must as a minimum adhere to minimal protections described as: non-combatants, members of armed forces who have laid down their arms, and combatants who are hors de combat (out of the fight) due to wounds, detention or any other cause shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, with the following prohibitions:

(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

(b) taking of hostages;

(c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples."

By this standard, Hamas is guilty on every count. But, then, it is perception, bias & world-wide anti-Semitism that determines peoples' position today. Even "progressive Jews" perceive Israel as a surrogate for the hated US 'Imperialism' and the Palestinian Arabs as surrogates for the third-world's oppressed sufferers. Gaza civilians suffer at the hands of their own government. Israel has made water available to Gaza but the civil authorities can't pump it because they don't have fuel for the generators to run the pumps. Hamas has tens of thousands of gallons of fuel hidden in their tunnels, along with food & medical facilities to serve the terrorists for months. But they bar their own civilians from entering the tunnels. Hamas knows that either they can attack Israel without reprisals or they will have plenty of videos of dead & suffering civilians to use as propaganda.

It's interesting that, while in the years after WW II, tens of millions of refugees were forced to flee to other countries, where they became citizens. Former Poles who came to England are not now called 'Polish refugees,' but English. Alone among those refugees, only the descendants of the original Palestinian Arab refugees are still considered refugees - and NO Arab country will allow them to emigrate, denying even birthright citizenship solely to Palestinian Arab descendants even if they are third-generation residents of other Arab countries. The Arab World, with all of its empty land & trillions in oil revenues doesn't want the Palestinian Arab refugees any more than Israel does (remember, Egypt keeps its own fence & locked gate at the southern end of Gaza so Palestinians can't get out into the Sinai). 22 Arab countries refuse to accept refugees from Gaza so they have no choice but to remain there or destroy Israel.

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So heart stopping. Thanks for the clarity. Ceasefire!

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Sad but true.

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The Arabs & Jews had a cease-fire 75 years ago in the war of 1948. Since then, Israel has suffered 3 more major wars, 75 years of ongoing terrorist attacks & decades of almost daily missile attacks. Almost 500 million Arabs surround 6 million Jews & the only thing that keeps this current Hamas invasion from turning into a full-scale invasion from Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Egypt, Syria, & Iran (through its surrogates, like Yemen, which is firing rockets up the Red Sea at Israel, is the Arabs knowledge that 1) Israel can and will inflict damage in return, and 2) the UN can't jump in to save the terrorists this time with a timely cease-fire. Note that the UN was silent during the first week of Hamas' invasion when 1,400 Israelis & foreigners were slaughtered. In a country of only 6 million Jews, that's 30 times the death ratio of 9/11. Yet the UN in 1948 and 1973 stood on the sidelines while the Arabs were winning, only jumping in to declare a cease-fire after Israel turned the tide. If Arabs learn that they can attack at will with the UN & world anti-Semitism to protect them by calling for cease-fires to keep the terrorists safe, Israel would continue to suffer eternal terrorism & wars until every Jew has been killed. War is horror, especially on civilians. Not a single person would have died if Hamas terrorists hadn't started this, thinking they could rely on the rest of the world to protect them once again. Hamas has made Gaza a terrorist state, endangering every one of the civilian population. This has to end. If there's a cease-fire now, Israel loses the war & more will come.

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'Collateral damage' aka 'mutilated children' ..

Dr.Gino Strada, war surgeon/Surgeons Without Borders got the data -->

since WW2, 9 of 10 casualties in conflicts are civilians. The toon (justly) breaks the heart. Our species Must pursue EQ/Emotional Intelligence. Contracted hearts are species doom.

https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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Shame on Israel. My hope this will cause the US to change its mind about doing anything with Israel.

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