Thought all would enjoy something I just read: ‘The most money anyone has ever spent on a dead bird is Elon Musk!’

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE and Thank you Nick for all you do!

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Many thanks, Nick! Of course in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in early October (2nd Monday), since we are not too keen on having to shovel the snow off the patio to get to the BBQ. And Have a very Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

Neill Conroy MNI

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Much appreciated, although isn't it insulting to the turkey, to equate it with Bunker Dumpster?

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A real turkey but ttotally tasteless

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Thank you Nick. You always hit the right note. Happy Thanksgiving.

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an over stuffed inedible turkey if ever there was one!!

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Happy Thanksgiving Nick!

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'Id' [arsoned by amygdala-ooze] which I thot was something arcane when I started studying it when I was seven-years-old, I discovered 40-years-later was merely "it" in German. Makes sense .. "it" /"id" is always lurking. Well, It/Id sure has always been a Turkey Bigly. Cacklchortfaw. THX NA! (I am honoring OPPFUD/Originals Peoples Please Forgive Us Day!

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Pie A La Humor for the holidays! Thank you!!!

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I think this cartoon really gives the turkeys a bad name!

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What is "bigly"?

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And Peas and Carrots to you too! ..

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