What a weirdo bunch of AHoles, perfect for a Trump administration. I find this crap so hard to believe that my head is going to explode. Better go have some fun before Trump takes office because it will be a long, downward slide I'm sure.

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Musk and Kennedy will be in charge so they may soften the blow to some degree.

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Don’t forget that the reason she murdered the puppy (whom she hadn’t bothered to train) was that his puppy behavior was interfering with her ability to have fun killing birds.

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Yes, and while I'm not opposed to hunting in moderation, I don't think somebody who shoots their dog because it's being uncooperative has much business hunting anything. Used to be that there was some responsibility that went with having a gun. Now, being irresponsible (and even violent) with guns, is viewed as strength. It is the mark of a sick society, if it can even be called a society.

However, Trump wants people who will shoot uncooperative people, and call it "necessary". In her, he therefore has a tool fit for the purpose.

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She said exactly what a cruel, sadist dictator wanted to hear. That’s why the Orange Hitler chose her.

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Kakistocracy is definitely the word. A seething collection of the least competent .

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Fits the Biden administration perfectly.

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She was never any part of the Biden administration. She’s a governor!

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As he represents ignorance and cruelty, she seems the embodiment of evil. But never mind. Cerebus is coming.

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I find that attitude disgusting. To the GOP it's just a dog. But two millions of dog owners they are NOT just dogs. They love their pets they are part of the family, they are family!!

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Plenty of conservatives, even MAGA, found her action reprehensible. Serious hunters throughout the high plains have the highest regard for their hunting dogs. Like progressives/liberals, the GOP is not monolithic. Painting with such a broad brush is reckless.

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Just the worst kind of repugnant, unconscionable, unforgivable act: to kill a dog because of your own failure to train him.

A special circle of Hell awaits you, Kristi.

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These cabinet picks are beyond satire. Quoting a friend. It works for me.

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I give you Ricky Levine for starters. Don't be a hypocrite. Please.

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Another perfect cartoon...made my day

Word of the Year 2024: Kakistocracy

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Human trash running the nation.

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RFK Jr prefers road kill.

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Cerberus. Had to dodge sudden incoming fire from a dog- murderer.

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"Misconduct" by a dog is never the dogs problem but reflects the inability or incapacity (both disqualifying factors) by the "owner" to invest the time AND discipline (continuity being the key word here) to train the animal properly. Apparently KM is not fit for having an animal - not even a stuffed parrot.

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Kristi Noem is a heartless despicable

non-human being!

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She was a horrible representative, replacing a brilliant one, and an even worse governor. I’d love her to be in jail, and as far away from SoDak as possible.

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The offalness of the rabidnet picks has snacked our gobs, gasted our flabbers. The paltryness, the punyness of these putative people volcanoes the vomit. Help. Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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