The answer to 99% of questions surrounding college athletics and politics is the same. "Follow the money." The ultra rich and their political puppets have convinced the lower 2/3 income people that it's the Democrats that want to control them. Devious and dangerous.

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Thank you

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Wow! Really powerful, and beautifully laid out and rendered! I’ll bet there’ll be a considerable reaction to this one — Five Stars!

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Thank you!

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Thanks for the visualization about vouchers. A picture is truly worth 1k words. Vouchers happened in Washington state as well. Same ending wherever you find them.

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I graduated from the public school system, and taught in a public middle school for 40 years. This small-town system graduated doctors, dentists, heart surgeon, lawyers, newspaper editors, and many teachers, among other occupations. If not for public school, these students, including myself, would not have had the opportunities that we did. Vouchers are for the very rich who can easily afford to pay tuition if that is their choice.

When I graduated from high school, my state gave scholarships to state universities. If not for this, I would never have afforded a college education. This is no longer true. Student loan debt is crushing, with little reward for public school teachers.

The voucher system is destroying our public school system. If the super rich want their children to go to a private school, they should pay for it.

Public school teachers are over worked and drastically underpaid. Their sacrifice for the love of teaching should be acknowledged with higher wages.

Sorry for the length. Will get off my soapbox now.

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Nick, as always, you rock. You've really outdone yourself this time! Thank you.

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This panels Graphic Toon Novel is perfectly thehorrorthehorror brilliant. Astounding. Justly grim. The cross as a club, the Reign of Theocracy, Theocrazy. In 4-Letters, the bullyionaires are vile/evil. Definitely Pulitzer. Whew. Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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oops, cut myself off. I’ve railed against the evangelical push to control education for years, with

most people not interested or skeptical. citizens united added another layer for easy influence

and corruption. thanks to newt gingrich, betsy devos , supreme court etc we are headed to a taliban like shift in

this country! thanks so much for this easy to understand explanation of a growing problem. and the

illustrating helps capture & hood the reader’s attention .thanks again to all involved!!

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more needed info shown in this collaboration is brilliant! !’ raisle

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Once again, well done, Nick! Keep Messing With Texas!!!!!!

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Thank you Nick for bringing this subject to light and giving it a voice.

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Beautifully done! I didn't realize Texas permitted unlimited campaign contributions. That explains so much that is wrong in Texas politics. And it makes it practically impossible to change. Would a court case be able to change it?

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