The billions of $ Saudi Prince gave JK (son in law) are a bargain price IF for the rights to nuclear secrets.

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EVERYTHING DE - CLASSIFIED ? What timeline or alternative timeline / universe / dimension would this be happening in ?

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In the mind of the so called twice impeached orange bouncing beach ball, who thinks, (if you can call it that) that what he says now is the truth back then. What a a**hole.

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Extremely dumbed down American population.

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A dumbed - down population is easier to control & manipulate than a well - informed one. Although we have a GLUT of information, people would rather watch " reality " content about the Kardashians, etc., than be exposed to the truth about the GOP, corporate Dems, ad infinitum.

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Can't say that for us, from between

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(Finish) between 5 to 10 pm almost every night we watch the CBS News, CNN and msnbc. That way we get perspectives from several different sources on the political news of the day.

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I rarely watch broadcast news. I get my news from the Internet. & as EVERYBODY KNOWS, the Internet never lies..... 🐵🙊🙈

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You've really captured his God complex in this one, Nick!

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A rousing three BOOS for donnie boy and the corrupt GOP!

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BeelzeBlubber #BloatedDolt needs a blubberroom. You mean this as ice-pick irony, but it is a gnat's eyelash from tomorrow's truth. I fear we're closer to freedoom than we guess . . .

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Forget due process.

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trump is a lying, cheating, draft-dodging,misogynistic, arrogant, ignorant a hole!

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I have low income. Cannot subscribe. Best wishes

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Terminal Grandiosity. . . And completely Clueless

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To John Denk: My thoughts exactly. Sell them, use them to control someone, blackmail, … Nobody has said anything about this kind of activity.

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