And need I remind you, re. : my previous comment, that a lot of these same Republinazis were saying that " The only good Democrat is a DEAD Democrat " ? Sounds like a sentiment that ol' Adolf would've endorsed.

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Haven't you heard? The Reptilian Party magats are called adolfians now.

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Spot on. I saw one of those stickers attacking our POTUS in Feb 2021. Peeled that sucker off the pump. Armchair economists wannabes!

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If the members of the " Party of Family Values ", etc., are really Christians, then I'm Anakin Skywalker, or else the anomalous child of Anakin, General Zod from Superman & Star Trek's Khan. 😵🤔

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CINOs aka Christian In Name Only ..

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Amen ! Adolf Hitler would be a better Christian...... Wait he WAS a Christian, at least superficially.

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Is it OK to say that I would like to see EVERYONE even remotely associated with the Republiscum Party sent into space - into the Sun ? I am DONE with these refugees from Arkham Asylum. If every Repub delusional corrupt nut - bucket head - case devoted to promoting ignorance & propagating untruths on top of untruths on top of STILL MORE untruths left Earth tomorrow, I WOULD NOT miss them, even though I have a few as relatives.

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It's the Rapture, baby .. & we get to wave "Adiablo" as they finally float off.

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I would tell them something visceral & earthy & quite possibly not repeatable in mixed company punctuated with a middle finger salute.

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Perfect!!! Karma is so true....just takes a little time but is worth the wait....just so sad we didn't get Beto over the line!

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We're not out of the woods people. McCarthy has already declared for Speaker of the House. The MAGA crowd is out for blood-ours. Even Gosar retained his seat-damn him.

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This is ridiculous. Trump catalyzed all this. He should make some form of restitution. At gunpoint, or with some C4 next to him. Or maybe just with a cart of McDonald's / KFC as a bribe or reward.

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This just makes me happy...

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Sure Trump catalyzed all this. The Big Fat Orange Thing will never make restitution or apologize or do anything to heal all the hurt he has caused. Now we have Gutless McCarthy to look forward to. Oh, boy. The Christo-fascists are laughing their asses off.

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LUV! THX NA! Cacklchortlfaw! 🧹🐈‍🐈‍🧹 The tiny hands always tickl me

[Frankly my dear, I do give a damn about these bloody elections. I just noticed the 'Frank' this morning so do we do "donaldly" for "I am clearly

lying"? eg "Donaldly, you are the prettiest girl I ever saw!"]

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Art Gallery is full of shit. We don't need his garbage.

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