The perfect depiction of our country's derangement.

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Oh good, the timely troll has arrived.

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Imagine being this proud to be a coward when your ridiculous progressive narrative gets challenged. Those two grave stones were actually from vaccinated people that got scared by the media you buy into.

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Right on, Nick!

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The antivaxxers will insure the continuation of COVID in the US and elsewhere. I don't recall any antivaxxers during the polio epidemic many years ago. What has changed, and why?

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99.99% survival rate is why

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Absolutely spot on!!

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99.9% survival rate

Most victims are obese and/or elderly

Get over yourselves already

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Nick - I have an idea for a cartoon you would like. How do I get that to you?

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I might have added MAGA above the anti and vaxxers

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