So sad. I wonder who or how many have to die before Congress will feel the pain the parents and families of the dead will feel every day for the rest of their lives. Who is immune from gunfire?

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They'll only feel pain if their kids die by gunfire. That, supposing they have an ounce of humanity.

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There is so much blood on their hands and still these lowlifes continue to value guns over the lives, how in the world can anyone with an ounce of humanity support these people, unbelievable.

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The right to bear arms as part of a regulated militia. The interpretation of the phrase 'to bear arms' has changed. Originally it meant only to kill as a soldier. Farmers and hunters may have used their firearms to kill animals- but today's twisted broadened interpretation would never have applied. I read all this is a recent Heather Cox Richardson post.

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Living in Texas has now become a 24/7 horror story! Amazing what these "bought and paid for" Republicans, Abbott and the rest of the crew, will say and won't say.....if you want them to respond to this mass killing don't expect them to use the word gun in their statements!

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Yeah. the GOP wants to keep the damn thing legal in order to kill more Americans so the corrupt GOP can have more to grab off for themselves. Good one, Abbott and friends!

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pathetically, shamefully, inhumanely spot-on

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Growing gop fascism in the open..pathetic

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Yay! The rwdser is perfectly, sublimely creepy. Luv. Tho I add RWJS aka Right Wing Jerkkk Squad. I only learned about RWDS/RightWingDeathSquad two days ago, & I am about to escalate from savage-ridicule doothevoo to cerberusiac cerberusific cerberusastly cerberusive cerberusifying cerberusesque cerberusid cerberuseous cerberusendous doothevoo. Fugger all. Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com/

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