Texas has absolutely gone to hell in a handcart. I am sorry for friends of mine who happen to live there.

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TX should just secede, except perhaps for Austin. They're a giant LOST CAUSE.

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Once again this is a "perfect" image that makes it very, very clear!

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So clear that even Stevie Wonder could see it.

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i think it's a womans choise to do what with her body . things concerning her and her body is between her and GOD not man

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a minor improvement would place Plan A monster in a wheelchair, simulating GA. Great image. I like the butterflies.

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What does that even mean? The stupidity and cruel indifference of people like Greg Abbot make me want to vomit. I am already sick with a major sinus infection as it is.

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Absolutely, Daniel! However. I have a foster niece and her family who have just moved to Austin. I really hope that they will be all right.

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If they stay put, they should be FINE, Beverly. L'chaim.

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There should not even be a fu%#ing plan A. AMERICA. Home of the brave and land of the FREE.

Whatever happened to Freedom. Why should a bunch of old white men, who like to control women and their bodies make these kind of decisions. We must get them out of the senate and the house of representatives. That's the only way to produce change. And in my personal opinion, there should NEVER be a supreme court justice or any judge for that matter appointed for life.

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These dinosaurs need to DIE OFF. The entire GOP is an obstruction to, scientific, medical, ethical progress & we can never move forward with these pathetic relics in our way like a series of stone walls.

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clever, succinct

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GR8 toon NA. In the 1950s, a friend stabbed & stabbed herself with a knitting needle. Blood. So much blood. These thugly jerkkks have zero clue. They will only end safe abortions.

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I'm pretty sure that Abbott is a guy who hasn't seen his own penis in years -- I agree that Texas should secede and take Florida with them..... It is so hard to fathom the amount of hate, violence and unwillingness to accept other people that is so now rampant in this country.

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