Oh boy. Isn’t that going to be effective. The US Surgeon General seems like a nice guy but that doesn’t get anywhere in politically shark-infested America. So his recommendations about “children and social media” and “gun violence” are just words that people have already ignored. We KNOW about gun violence being a public health crisis. It’s too bad. More and more mass killings are on their way. Politicos aren’t even upset anymore if kindergarten babies are slaughtered. What will it take to get control of firearms? Shooting up the Superbowl?

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The grim smoke says it ALL.

It's the Guns, stupid.

Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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It sucks to be the Surgeon General ...no one cares or listens to his words of wisdom. I admire the fact that he has addressed topics quite important to health & well being but it doesn't make a difference with Congress and the U.S. population at war. Until death do we part and death may come unexpectedly and violently in the unstable world of today.

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