Elon Musk may be smarter than The Donald but is just as egotistical and corrupt. Musk, Oz, and the Orange Oaf are suckers for the Deranged and Dying(?) Putin. Their own egos have done them in. Putin himself is undoubtedly on the way out.

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Not undoubtedly - but hopefully 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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The Kremlin is supposedly going to go for a vote of no confidence for Putin. His sabre - rattling & idle threats, posturing, going into Hawk mode are like a yellow alert. Plus, his sending young, inexperienced soldiers, some of WHO DESERT into Russia's Vietnam probably ain't winning him any popularity contests.

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If that's supposed to be Musk, he's letting cheese slip off of his noodles. Oz, Musk,everyone & everything that Donald Disaster touches becomes a corrupt, FUBAR melange au crap.

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The Diedas Touch . . .

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Another cool if grim NA toon. Musk is one of those cluckcluck dudes who thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. He does not & never will be able to grok EQ/Emotional Intelligence.

Musk's EQ is vanishing low.

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Musk was someone that I don't trust as much as I once did. His lapses in judgement are kind of Trumpian.

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despotic oligarchs…what egos?

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The two wealthiest men in the world? The facial expressions are priceless. Thanks.

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What changed his mind?

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