And in those states, you can easily obtain a gun, a rifle, an assault weapon but heaven help you if you put on huge false eyelashes and a wig on your head.

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I would say that they should be referred to as conforming to as being at least 2 of the late George Carlin's " Four Groups that Gotta Go ". Should MAGATs make a FIFTH GROUP ? George help us out here.

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It’s not the gun folks it’s a mental health issue. ARs are not assault weapons quit saying that as you sound ignorant and a fear monger. Assault weapons are automatic and only the military and law enforcement have access to. There are plenty of guns that shoot the same round w/ mag or clip that don’t look assault rifle-ish. ARs have different calibers too. You can get a 45, 38, 9 mm or a 223. barrel. The majority of hand gun deaths are self inflicted. Do your homework and look at the data. Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the US and they have a horrible murder rate. This last shooter hid guns in her parents house and was seeing a therapist. She bought guns from 5 different dealers. That is a problem. My theory is that the Christian school she went to 12 years earlier didn’t support her acting like a he so after becoming a failure in life (still living at her parents house ) she had to play the victim and killed innocents and tried to justify it. Leave kids alone questioning their “identity”. Almost all will work through it and just go with the sex they were born with. Imagine trying to convince yourself you are not your true self. It’s enough to make yourself kind of crazy. I don’t know any transgender person who isn’t seeing a therapist. And the therapist job isn’t to convince the transgender person they are right or wrong it’s to support them in their Decision and it’s an ultimate decision. Look at Developmental Theory. Most people will question their sexuality but most just accept the gender they are and move along in life without being hung up 🆙 n all of the other gay/transgender go through. Not just therapy, depression but substance abuse and prostitution.

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This toon is, as usual, fab. The turned-in toes; the askew hat; the huge armfull of bristled guns; the crazed eyes; the flared ears. Thank Galaxy for toonists. SGs/SlaughterGuns can shoot 30 bullets in 30 seconds. Big MAGAzines should go first. It's figging insane. Thx NA.


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