One can only hope. Do you think he'll try to sell pieces of the shirt?

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not giving anyone the shirt off his back, guaranteed!

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Melanie will get some immigrant children to rip shirts and sell the pieces for $50 a piece will her Alzheimers-ravaged hubby's stamped polygraph signature on the reciept! MAKE AMERICA YUGE AGAIN! MAYA!!!

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I love it!!

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Ripping Shirts made my day!

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is that a shirt or a diaper ?

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Ha! Good question!

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Hulk Hogan sure, but the only thing tRump can rip is the paper off his Big Mac.

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This is awesome. Two petulant narcissists in adult bodies, with toddler (not nice toddlers) mentally. I hope that they both see this.

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Hulk Hogan was a childhood hero in the early 90s. To see him fall as far as one can POSSIBLY go hurts. Poor guy!

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Remember: #GildedGoon aka #FascistFelon is a Genius at jerkkk.

NO one does wiggly·tie & tiny·hands as cool-y as NA. YaY!

https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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