Today is a sad day for women in our country. This madness seems to be never ending. Of course the open gun carry is now "safe" as well. We no longer have a fair and just Supreme Court. What can we do about this politically motivated court and judges like Thomas....he still hasn't been accountable for his and his wife's actions....why? Vote, Vote, Vote and pay attention to your local state's elections!

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I implore people to MailVoteBLUE .. Friend spent an Election Day in ER w/ her father w/ chest pains. Lost her Precious Vote. Take ZERO chances on a Fluke.

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Yes, we all need to work hard on this. Living in Texas I am working for Beto by writing letters. We all can do a little and together we can do a lot!

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It's a perfect drawing. It makes me sad.

It's been a 1 2 gut punch from the Supreme Court. The ultimate Nuclear Clown Dumpster fire to draw attention from yesterday's January 6th Hearing. We learned top DOJ officials saved the day on January 3rd to stop DJT installing his yes man, environmental lawyer Jeffery Clark. 3 days later DJT set in motion his another scheme to illegally overturn the 2020 election to stay in office. Evangelical anti abortion forces chose this unpopular candidate DJT (who would owe them) for their support and do what the 'right' wanted. It's a twisted tale.

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I guess it's back to the Dark Ages.

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Interesting reference to A Handmaid's Tale. I'll have to start watching it.

What's next ? Gays, lesbians & bisexuals go back into the closet ? African - Americans segregated & relegated to 2nd or 3rd class status ? All scientific texts get taken from classrooms & libraries to be replaced by Bibles & religious material ? We do exorcisms & trepanation, use leeches instead of solid medical treatment ? Prayer over medicine ? The conservatives & Evangelicals must be having a high old time.

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Expresses it perfectly. I remember back in the '60s when Playboy had a cartoon of a sleazy bar where a janitor was sweeping a bunch of fetuses out of the bathroom. History will repeat itself.

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Coat hanger sales go into the stratosphere. & I'm not saying this to be wiseass, funny or satirical.

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The Unsupreme court has rendered another fatal decision. The ramifications of this will be far reaching and catastrophic for women and men as well. More deaths from unsafe, illegal abortions, paternity suits, unwanted children, increased welfare cases, mental health issues and a host of other negative outcomes. I am sure this decision will have great impact on upcoming elections, it must , and expanding the court is crucial while Biden is in office.

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WELCOME TO THE NEW DARK AGES. Next we do witch - burnings & stone ( supposed ) adulterers. Then we use Flat Earth & Young Earth Creationist materials for educational texts.

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Today is not tomorrow. Everything has unintended consequences--this could be a blessing in disguise.

One other little thing: I've always wondered how many Pro-Lifers have had abortions, and how many aren't scrubbed-clean white ..

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I wonder what Clarence Thomas would have done if he had impregnated Anita Hill? I am beyond words about this change but the people who voted for the people who put those bigots, racists, intolerant, prejudiced, chauvinistic, biased and small minded pigs on the court are to blame.

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I wish that we could blame Fathead # 45 for this mess, but he merely kicked some rocks to start this avalanche. The conservatives &" Christian Right " did the rest.

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Ice-pick toon. SCOTUS has made it Women's Hellth now.

Women will die. I was there in the '50s.

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Nick's cartoon needs to go viral.

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This cartoon needs to be on every billboard justices pass on their way home. It would not cost more than $25k. Planned Parenthood should do it.

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This should be circulated until beyond saturation point via the Internet ! If Nick is amenable to it.

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Clarence Thomas is a hideous, awful man who should never have been appointed to the Supreme Court but he was. He needs to retire. Now. He and his equally hideous wife who is like one of those ghastly cartoon-like characters from The Hunger Games have no place at all in American public life or our government.

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The Handmaid's Tale has received a lot of attention lately. I also recommend The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane.

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Words fail me. The Supreme Court is just another bunch of sleazy politicians.

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Yes and it's only going to get worse

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