Au contraire. WE'VE been tolerating the intolerable with these corrupt, self - righteous, hypocritical, greedy, sometimes downright EVIL whackaloons for years. They should be sterilized & exiled, or at least have their citizenship stripped from them. My pity / tolerance reserve for these creatures is at ZERO.

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However justified, setting vitriol aside, I think this is a brilliant drawing which piques my curiosity: what is in the green bags? Has MTGreene become a bag lady?

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Ahem, one may not cast vitriol aside. [So called from its 'glassy' appearance in certain states. Meaning "bitter or caustic feelings" first attested 1769, in reference to the corrosive properties of vitriol (when heated it produces sulfuric acid, formerly called oil of vitriol) ]

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This one made me LOL. Thanks for the Christmas cheer(?), Nick!

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Has MTG become a bag lady ? More like a stereotypical cat lady, but all the cats know that she's NUTS. & all the dogs. Parrots. Macaws. Squirell, Gibbon. Rhesus,, spider & Howler monkeys. Even goldfish, Tetra & carp.

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Do NOT call Margarine a Cat lady. #CatsRule #ChurchOfAllCats ..

Cats know more than any "3-inch fool," as Shakespeare would say.

Guys who don't grok Cats ain't worth the ectoplasm they've hijacked.

'In Ancient Burma, the wealthy landowners arranged for each Cat to have Her own servant.' Shape up or the voo will doo you.

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One of the years best Nick! I hesitate to air my idea of the contents of the green bags? Merry

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I don't care what happens to McCarthy and the GOP as long as they don't take the rest of us down with them.

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The Rethuglican party looks like it's shooting itself in the feet & other extremities. Just let the gangrene develop until it chokes them alive. The world won't suffer much loss & might even GAIN something from their illness / " death ".

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Fat E aka Fate writes 'The Planet3 Script,' & I sure hope the KKKevin parts are vilely schadenfreudically entertaining. KKKevin's best skkkill is KKKreep. The looks in the eyes of the backwards elephants, NA, are worth your entire toon career. And those sleigh-bells 'harnesses.' Ahh.Thx!

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Perfection, Nick!

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