I'm sure you don't invoke Nazi imagery lightly. There's nothing light about the threat of Nazi mentality. Your drawing personifies our worst nightmare. I shudder at the thought. I'm unable to believe that a full 48% of Americans (at the last polling) want to let trump into the WH. Perhaps the 1960 GOP finally got their fondest wish -- watered-down education to produce an under-educated population. Thirty years ago when I lived in the Midwest, I started seeing private schools popping up, funded with tax dollars. Public school education suffered - perhaps not everywhere, but certainly in enough communities to produce the voters making up the 48%. I hope there are some renegade republicans who can't stomach trump. And I hope they will hold their noses long enough to vote for a democrat. At least just this once.

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Adolph Jr. ? or an Adolph wanna be ??? Either way, I hate that MF. Be gone, Trump, forever and ever, Amen !!!

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The Nazi leadership was theatrically costumed, one 'reason' for their enduring popularity. There are no tan party blazers now, or snappy uniforms. Yesterday's 'Losers Traitors' drawing showed the closest today's dare come: Trump's black (instead of blue) suit, white shirt, red tie--Germany's colors at the time. The rest stand near, looking ordinary ..

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Nailed it!!

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I don't understand why those who don't believe him still do so. What more do they have to hear and see before they wake up to reality?

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They are in a Deathcult, so if Dear Leader says it, it's fine.

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He once again proves that the bottom of the barrel has a basement.

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I'm nervous but confident! Remember: the alt right supreme court coronated King Biden I, so, for the good of ALL LIFE, he can cancel Bunkerboy's unlikely win.

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God Almighty, Nick! This is scary. For the life of me, I cannot understand how voters seeing and hearing all this from former Trump administration officials, four star generals, Woodward, media coverage in real time, writers, artists, entertainers, Obama himself, and a veritable cloud of witnesses, can remain undecided or resistant to the truth. Trump is telling us every day what he is going to do to this democracy. Wake the hell up people!!!!!!!

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Anyone who had relatives in WWII and saw the effects on America alone, which was nothing compared to Europe and Asia,would be terriers of it happening here, I'm 81 and I am.

For that disgusting POS to have used Hitler and his Naxis as people to emulate is beyond sick.

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So true. I wondered, even as a child, how Germans could be duped by Hitler. Now I see it happening in real time

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Germans found out, didn’t they? Trump wants chaos and destruction. Hitler required every household to have a portrait of him displayed openly. I have the feeling, unfortunately, that trump will do the same. What will you do?

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Vote him out, please & thank you. Our lives depend on it !

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According to my late friend who was a 4th grader in Germany at that time, she was given a basket of cheese, fruit, and candy, along with Hitler’s framed portrait to hang in her bedroom. That’s how they kept the “good Germans” obedient. Soon we will see that here.

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Don't worry about invoking the Nazi agenda. For those of us who are actually paying attention it rings true, and that is the most frightening thing about this election.

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Such a grimly perfect toon of putridiot #DespotDolt. His 'signature' is SO vicious barbed-wire grotesquely morally-deformed that any graphologist is full-Scream. We are NOT scared Not SCREAM enough. Ain't a Costume, folks. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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It's very hard to credit the polls. The mind doesn't, but the knees shake. I wonder how many of those rally-goers, especially the younger guys, will actually vote- they don't look too swift. Of course, he's the same, I guess that's the appeal. Or maybe he reminds them of their fathers, when they were drunk and incoherent.

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Mr President you are suppose to dress up if you want treats

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Verrry scary!😒🙄😒🎃🤡👻💩

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