Priorities in TX..... Wait. They either DON'T EXIST in ANY form or perhaps they're 100 - 250 kinds of FUBAR & out of sync with the rest of the civilized world.
I wish I could say I'm surprised. I'm not. And that's the really sad part. But I am shocked. What is going on in Texas? Is there no way to keep our children safe? If we can't trust the state system, what else is there? And god forbid that system gets its hands on children coming over the border. They're already being mistreated by another system. What is wrong with America? With Texas? With the people committing these acts? Is it happening more? Or are we finally just hearing about it? I don't know the answers? In fact, are there answers at all?
Priorities in TX..... Wait. They either DON'T EXIST in ANY form or perhaps they're 100 - 250 kinds of FUBAR & out of sync with the rest of the civilized world.
I wish I could say I'm surprised. I'm not. And that's the really sad part. But I am shocked. What is going on in Texas? Is there no way to keep our children safe? If we can't trust the state system, what else is there? And god forbid that system gets its hands on children coming over the border. They're already being mistreated by another system. What is wrong with America? With Texas? With the people committing these acts? Is it happening more? Or are we finally just hearing about it? I don't know the answers? In fact, are there answers at all?
#GhoulGreg #GovernorsOfDeath ..
Children died because thugly Mr. NoMasks #RabidAbbott lied.