You can always tell fake Christians by their vehemence. Texas is just getting weirder and weirder...

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You know what they say: "Republicans are weird!"

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Education should contain religion, in a historical context, but to insert into current studies is an attempt to influence thought process. Independant thinking is critical to development, which should be a personal thing, not mandated by governments. Sorry, I'm sloshed but I still hate DJT and his proposed agendas. Let's F..k Trump !!!

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It's called "indoctrination" and "brainwashing." The alt right Traitors looooove to shriek, MAGA and shake their feeble fists at us AMERICANS for it, but they are the ones attempting to do it.

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There over 500 bible versions. The Europeans and others always changing it to fit their beliefs so they can believe themselves that they are doing right with God.

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When my husband was first transferred to NC from Ca, we were fish out of water. It was 1992. We still had 2 in high school. Their first week there they went to an assembly where a retired physician lectured them. He told the audience that anyone who doesn’t believe that the world is only 6000 years old is an atheist. Younger of the two ignored it. Older asked: “Mom, are we atheists?” He was worried. I was SO angry and also afraid. My point is that this has been going on in red states, particularly suburban and rural areas. But it wasn’t mandated. It was a special school event. Formally adding it to curriculum is exactly what Hitler did in Germany. Ps - Oklahoma is going a step further by using coppertone caligulas Bible (credit for cc to sweary history).

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Welp! Americans used to wonder how some Islamic countries became facist states run on religious dogma. HERE WE ARE!

Good job, racist sexist bigots with tiny a-brains. YOU destroyed YOUR countryry in deference to a morbidly obese rapist-pedophile convicted felon! (By it's definition, Bunkerboy is a RAPIST. That is a legally defensible statement.)

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This is just the dumbing-down of America that’s being put in place. First you start on the children. Stupid people believe what they’re told without investigation of its sources and whether or not there’s a lick of truth to it.

These bone-headed evangelicals want school to be like it was in the “old days”. Well, I went to school in the “old days” and there was nothing special about it at all. Over the loudspeaker someone read a 1 minute prayer every morning. Did we even listen to it? Nah. Our minds were on our peers and what was coming up in school next. All we did was fidget and whisper.

A child was chosen to hold the US flag by one corner and everybody recited all the president’s names in order, daily. That’s probably a good idea since Civics and Government are not mandatory classes any more.

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I'd say the intent is to teach the Bible as fact. (Which Bible?) Are kids sharp enough new/ever (I can't recall, for some reason) to do a judo, and commit to not so much sighing and absorbing as spitballing the teaching? Will the line of rebels outside the principal's office affect the fully or fearfully compliant students? ..

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Dear Robin-I whole heartedly agree with you. Trump and his Maggots are awful human beings. God damn them all. How can we as intelligent and able Americans turn this awful thing around?

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Horrible republicans do not care about people, only power and $$ in their pockets.

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The main goal is to underfunded public schools so that only charter schools are left. Charter schools do not necessarily have to follow the same restrictions. Schools that had prayer were call parochial schools like the Catholics and other religions. Religion as a study subject should not be taught until advanced classes in high school or college, not as a religious worship ceremony.

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Fuck Texas. Ugly state full of ugly people.

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