The wardrobe has changed, but still the same old low IQ tough guys looking for a fight.

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This would almost be laughable & ludicrous if it weren't also disquieting.

STANDING BY - National Guard.

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Yeah, they are standing by for sure. In deep shit. Three inch fools indeed.

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Reminds me of a story : A guy goes to Hell, &the Devil shows him around. All torments, everything. They stop at a large chamber with a bunch of other guys standing in a foot of shit, drinking coffee. " This can't be too bad ", the guy thinks. Then another demon comes by with a megaphone. " OK, guys. Break's over ! Time to resume standing on your heads !". Republicans in hell.

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So f**king unbelievable and unfortunately so f**king true

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Luckily Shakespeare sent us the ultimate description of

these putrid putative 'alpha males': "3-inch fools."

IF you say you are an 'alpha male,' you have thus, obviously, proved that you are an

ick zeta male & fopdoodle sinking in the trumpisst lickkkspittles quikmud quikguano bog,

Adiablo 3-inchers! THX NA!

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great, call them out

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