Yes, Thomas does know about ethics, he doesn't care as long as the goodies keep coming into his pocket. It is so sad to see our government supporting the destruction of our Democracy.

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I agree -- it was a SERIOUS mistake . . . seems to me the GOP has been conducting a "shit show" for way, way too long . . ..

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Why are Democrats so afraid of Republicans? Corruption should be exposed and punished whenever it occurs. Every branch of government should have a code of ethics which is strictly adhered to and punished if violated.

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excellent Nick! a bit of humor to soften another blow to sanity & ethics! Leo has worked for years

shaping the court into the embarrassing entity it is now! Thomas was just the start.

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A shit show is needed. It's always that way anyhow. What a bunch of pussies Senate Democrats are. They should do their jobs or hit the road. The current American Federal government is a gigantic joke that's not funny.

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Sidebar: The song - It was a shit show from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is a favorite. https://youtu.be/b-tAiOVMYFY?feature=shared

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