You nailed it! Perfectly!

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A beauty Nick!! The cheerful, agreement on the judges faces is so true.

They have absolutely no shame, not even a friend that tells you when your zipper is down or "they may come for your computer" ! Nada ni nadia!!

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It proves just how DUMB they and their morbidly obese godking are. Those with very low-functioning a-brains cannot process shame.

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Oh Nick, this one’s a lulu! You actually manage to make me laugh out loud—LOL, which I’ve needed for a long time!!! Thank you!!!

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Right on! Get out and vote because our lives depend on it.

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Great. Focus needs to remain on this.

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Well, we’ve got crooks and ninnys in congress galloping around, our government mistake was not watching the Supreme Court. Unbeknownst to the rest of us, some of these lofty judges take money, trips, money services etc. from people who expect to be reciprocated by favorable decisions of the court. They are obviously partial to trump (don’t ask me why) and as a result ridiculous decisions have favored the crook. They ride their private gravy train and hand out bone-headed decisions that eventually will backfire on them. If Trump the absolute dictator winds the election he’ll make it so America doesn’t need the Supreme Court, heck we won’t even have to vote anymore. Better enjoy it guys, while the gettin’ is good.

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They were not power hungry when the Republicans sta led the court.

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Ain't it the truth. Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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I Love It !!! Why did Biden wait till the end of his presidency to try to implement SC reform ? These changes take decades, or longer, and nothing is happening at this point in time. It's time to usher in a new and improved Democratic Administration and send Trump and his cronies down Shits Creek without a paddle !!!

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Love it but pocket should have a few more crammed in it.

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No kidding. Those corrupt bastards!

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fat heads & bold faced unity. wtf. so good Nick!

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