
I am so sick and tired of drump . Period. I long for the day when the landscape is not cluttered with drump and his idiot followers and the delusional self serving fools in Congress.

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Yes, indeed! It's annoying right up to the lack lustre lopsided dis-eased highest court of the nation which needs culling, just to regain some integrity.

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*Tᴙump KKKool·Aid kkkultists. The putridiocy, the theocrazy unto democrazy. Too many are Not thehorrorthehorror enough yet. Fascism, like the infamous "collateral·damage" for "mutilated children," masks kids·in·cages; abortion·health·bans; MealsOnWheels taken from seniors; the tyᴙanny the HELL. The toon GoldenShower Sneakers; the bibble; = fab. Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com/ @nick_anderson_

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Brilliant! I’ve shared 😀

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Louise- you are so cool! Yeah, I know- I never quite outgrew the 60s.

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The only cure is to remove his image and voice from all media. He’s exhausting us, and that is apparently his intent. Call it what you will, his presence is ruinous for the health of many of us. How about we call MAGA —> DNGAF instead.

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