Oh to be a school teacher in Texas. Shame on you Gov. Abbott and the rest of you pitiful Texas Representatives. You don't represent me or 80% of other Texans regarding gun laws. Also, I find it interesting that when I call a Texas governors office I get "e-mail full call back".....I've gotten the same message every time I call and trust me I have called many times over the past several years!

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Please don't get me wrong, BUT TX has talked about seceding in the past on numerous occasions. If they mean BUSINESS they need to put the pedal to the medal, quit yakking about it & just DO IT ! I'm getting tired of hearing about their half - baked shenanigans.

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Texan government is bassackwards !!!

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I cannot get any angrier about this. I only hope that karma has a way of getting back at people who willfully ignore other people's needs.

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After assault weapons were banned in 1994, mass shooting deaths dropped by 43%. After Congress let the ban expire in 2004, mass shooting deaths shot up by 239%. We don’t need to arm teachers, we need to ban assault weapons…. Again!

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I don't understand the proposals to ban the sales of assault weapons to anyone under the age of 21.

Assault weapons should be banned from anyone not actively serving in the military PERIOD. No civilian should possess an assault weapon.

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Your best yet. Board patrol is when money is no object.

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What is the role of law enforcement in the protection of students faced with an active shooter?   A 2005 Supreme Court decision states that the police are ~ not ~legally obligated to protect students and teachers faced with an active shooting.  Clearly school resource officers have failed to protect students from active shooters in Parkland FL and now Uvalde Texas.  Hardening schools and training law enforcement has failed to save lives. 

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Brilliant, tragic & true.

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Texas might secede? If only.

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i could laugh if it is wasn't all so sad, empty, & gun-fueled & military-funding led

capitalism has failed us all, except for the good ol' 1% of citizens & global conglomerates

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if “the base” understood hypocrisy… oh never mind

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I totally agree!

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