That says it all about the GOP, right? When things go wrong, they're hysterical about it and try to make everyone else hysterical, too. But when things turn around and improve...<<crickets>>.

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they’ll spout whatever maga is pushing. crime has been proportionally higher in red states for years! and poverty and…arghus!

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The Rage GOPophant made me guffaw a LOT .. is so brill. Thx NA. I've never seen tiny skull&crossbones in a rage-cloud before. Gr8. https://nickanderson.substack.com/


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There's little crime in high-income areas. They only read about it. Low-income are crime-ridden. They live it. That should be the start of any discussion.

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Love to hear that crime is plunging -- just like the Trump Media Stock is doing!

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Liars....as usual.

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