Can our country endure two years of these traitorous idiots? McCarthy and his cohorts must go.

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May McCarthy and his goons rot in hell.

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nice Nick! That GOP gun will provide you with 2 yrs ammo to skewer them.

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That's so spot on, it hurts. The Democrats can't blink. And they have to ensure that the entire country knows what the republicans are up to and why. And whatever happens to McCarthy, he deserves.

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What would George Washington do with McCarthy and his Freedom Caucus insurrectionist? Just asking.

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McCarthy and the idiot Freedom Caucus should be expelled from the United States.

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I know that people (& me) examine the Van Gogh, the da Vinci for brushstrokes & details, but NA's toons give me vast fascination & pleasure in the preposterously easy details which whisper or holler "Absurd" or "Gotcha." It's often to do with 'size' .. the wonderfully weird tiny wrists on looming lethal #KKKev; the thinnish tall hat on Nephew Sam. It's all Yay!!

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Great job

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God help AMERICA with these juvenile “boys” playing games with our country’s future !

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