Trump "demanded an apology" from Bishop Budde, who was brave enough to speak the truth. I demand an apology from Trump supporters who voted him in as our president. He and they make me sick.
Trump demands an apology from mercy and compassion. Such do natcissist demand to be excused from all caring for their fellow human beings as they only care for themselves.
Bishop Budde spoke with courage and caring for those in need. She spoke delivering the word of God. I am thankful for her words. I was dismayed to find that some of our politicians think she should be deported. What happened to our free country and the first amendment right?
Spent 12 years in a Catholic school and took comparative religion in college and nowhere did I ever hear of Christ saying to starve the poor, create more homeless, turn away those in need of asylum, promote hate and cruelty.
The "Christians" who follow the orange devil may want to open their Bible and read the Beatitudes.
I have been trying very hard to remain positive and hopeful in the face of all trump's "shock and awe" but man, it is hard. If it weren't for my Catholic faith( I joined late in life) and my women's book group I would be in terrible trouble. Bishop Budde is a small woman about my size but she has more courage and honor than the GOP, trump, and all the MAGA scum put together. Trump is a convicted felon, the Supreme Court isn't supreme, the so-called GOP is utterly corrupt, and the United States is a banana republic. I am writing some very hot letters to my senators and Congresswoman(not Lauren Boebert). I will not sit still and do nothing. I will be 78 in February of this year.
Thank you for writing. Please keep it up. Invite others to joint you. Write a template letter and keep passing it on! I’d love a copy! It’s the one thing most of us can do. 💛
Did anyone else see that during his swearing in trump held his hand just above the bible (and did not touch it) while they were swearing trump in with the oath of office? So typical of him.
Did anyone hear him shouting, bitching and moaning about the American flags being at half-mast during his precious inauguration? "No one wants to see it!" He cried in his squeaky, whiny little boy voice during his temper tantrum.
Anyone else see the Hitler salute that Elon Musk twice did to the crowd after his talk? Musk didn't have the courage to say seig heil but he snapped up that salute just like all the Nazis did in Germany during WW II. He hasn't denied doing it when asked about it.
trump is sending 1500 American active duty army men to "the border". It's a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act that bars the federal government in using federal troops (ie. the army) in enforcing domestic policies. The federal law was passed by congress and signed by President Rutherford B. Hayes on June 18, 1878. But, what does the law mean to trump and his nazi buddies anyway?
trump also just rolled back the negotiated medicare/ medicaid medicine prices that Biden had reduced reduced. Why? Because Biden had done it and reduced the costs. So the pharmaceutical companies could go back to raping sick people. We better get busy preparing ourselves to live under a police state, and I'm not being an alarmist.
F RUMP is the antithisis of the Anti-Christ! Heathen. The looks he was giving Vance and vica versa during the church sermon speaks volumes of how Anti-Christian they are! The Republican party is now the party of Satan!
"TRUMP has NO Respect for anything but Himself, and if we don't speak up, He will Rule.
Worse yet are the so-called 'Christians' that Support this Criminal that has never opened a Bible other to Autograph it for a gullible Customer......Wise up America; left to his own devices,
"You ain't seen nuttin' yet........SPEAK UP......And Support those that desire Honesty, Integrity, and Democracy. Join, Donate, and Use your Collaborate Strength to Right this floundering Ship.
130,000%, Bunkerboy is as Christian as The Fallen Angel Lucifer AFTER he ran from God's love! He's too stupid and fugly to be The Anti-Christ, but MAN is It close.
Trump "demanded an apology" from Bishop Budde, who was brave enough to speak the truth. I demand an apology from Trump supporters who voted him in as our president. He and they make me sick.
Trump demands an apology from mercy and compassion. Such do natcissist demand to be excused from all caring for their fellow human beings as they only care for themselves.
Bishop Budde spoke with courage and caring for those in need. She spoke delivering the word of God. I am thankful for her words. I was dismayed to find that some of our politicians think she should be deported. What happened to our free country and the first amendment right?
Drumpf is as much as Christian as standing in your garage makes you a car.
Spent 12 years in a Catholic school and took comparative religion in college and nowhere did I ever hear of Christ saying to starve the poor, create more homeless, turn away those in need of asylum, promote hate and cruelty.
The "Christians" who follow the orange devil may want to open their Bible and read the Beatitudes.
Of course Fox News and OANN will ignore the fact that he didn’t put his hand on a bible when swearing in on Monday 🙄
To be fair, if he had touched a Bible, it would probably have burst into flames.
More than likely, HE would have burst into flames!
I have been trying very hard to remain positive and hopeful in the face of all trump's "shock and awe" but man, it is hard. If it weren't for my Catholic faith( I joined late in life) and my women's book group I would be in terrible trouble. Bishop Budde is a small woman about my size but she has more courage and honor than the GOP, trump, and all the MAGA scum put together. Trump is a convicted felon, the Supreme Court isn't supreme, the so-called GOP is utterly corrupt, and the United States is a banana republic. I am writing some very hot letters to my senators and Congresswoman(not Lauren Boebert). I will not sit still and do nothing. I will be 78 in February of this year.
Thank you for writing. Please keep it up. Invite others to joint you. Write a template letter and keep passing it on! I’d love a copy! It’s the one thing most of us can do. 💛
Did anyone else see that during his swearing in trump held his hand just above the bible (and did not touch it) while they were swearing trump in with the oath of office? So typical of him.
Did anyone hear him shouting, bitching and moaning about the American flags being at half-mast during his precious inauguration? "No one wants to see it!" He cried in his squeaky, whiny little boy voice during his temper tantrum.
Anyone else see the Hitler salute that Elon Musk twice did to the crowd after his talk? Musk didn't have the courage to say seig heil but he snapped up that salute just like all the Nazis did in Germany during WW II. He hasn't denied doing it when asked about it.
trump is sending 1500 American active duty army men to "the border". It's a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act that bars the federal government in using federal troops (ie. the army) in enforcing domestic policies. The federal law was passed by congress and signed by President Rutherford B. Hayes on June 18, 1878. But, what does the law mean to trump and his nazi buddies anyway?
trump also just rolled back the negotiated medicare/ medicaid medicine prices that Biden had reduced reduced. Why? Because Biden had done it and reduced the costs. So the pharmaceutical companies could go back to raping sick people. We better get busy preparing ourselves to live under a police state, and I'm not being an alarmist.
F RUMP is the antithisis of the Anti-Christ! Heathen. The looks he was giving Vance and vica versa during the church sermon speaks volumes of how Anti-Christian they are! The Republican party is now the party of Satan!
You really nailed it! T thinks Jesus was too "woke"....
"TRUMP has NO Respect for anything but Himself, and if we don't speak up, He will Rule.
Worse yet are the so-called 'Christians' that Support this Criminal that has never opened a Bible other to Autograph it for a gullible Customer......Wise up America; left to his own devices,
"You ain't seen nuttin' yet........SPEAK UP......And Support those that desire Honesty, Integrity, and Democracy. Join, Donate, and Use your Collaborate Strength to Right this floundering Ship.
WTF was the serial cheater doing in church in the first place..? 🤡😎
When I see/hear someone spouting religion these days, I automatically assume they are a trumper and evil to the core.
Ditto! Well, I was raised Protestant, but every other word could be from me. Thanks for giving us an outlet In humor every day!!!
We are a long way from The sermon on the mount
Oops! Looks like Trump thinks Jesus messed up!
130,000%, Bunkerboy is as Christian as The Fallen Angel Lucifer AFTER he ran from God's love! He's too stupid and fugly to be The Anti-Christ, but MAN is It close.