Ken Paxton should have been long gone. He's a corrupt ass idiot who deserves assination at the state fair. Better him than some family with kids who didn't bring guns. What a dumb f.ck.

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He belongs in "The Grand Old Pedophile arty" like few others.

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Definetly a sick MF.

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"HOW-DEE! SUNDAY NIGHT: SALUTE TO THE PECAN." - Big Tex in "King of the Hill," where my icon is from.

I sure hope our Texas brothers and sisters back AMERICA and flip blue in this year's election! Remember Texans: those Insurrectionists DESPISE you and ONLY want your money and votes. We Americans want your ideas and support!

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I’ve been trying to think of one reason, just one, for someone to have the need to bring a firearm to a state fair. Thoughts and prayers.

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cotton candy, corn dogs, ferris wheel, blue ribbon, ak-47, bull riding, ken Paxton. texas state fair with a lethal pair

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Hey great let's have a shoot out at the OK corral! With real guns, it will entertain and kill not only friends and family but just folks that came to watch. This idiot of an AG should be run out on a rail, after being tarred and feathered. He has no interest in protecting the folks in Texas, be they female and prepubescent or a woman with one ore two already, with little or no help from her X. Don't shoot the bastard, but make him pay.

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All mass shootings, or any shotting should be labeled as REPUBLICAN APPROVED SHOOTINGS!

The media should label them as such

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