Do these red - capped whackaloons EVEN KNOW what will help them, or are they just pissed at Biden & anyone in the DNC ? Maybe they just miss the flavors of bleach & Ivermectin.
These troglodytes operate on adrenaline to stay pissed off. They're like the student group S.W.I.N.E. from Li'l Abner, Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything.
You can not spell HATRED without RED HAT --> (One of Fat E aka Fate's little Mead-addled joaks [the medieval spelling] to keep us from terminal despair. One thing the CroMAGAnons are brilliant at is Hypocrisy .. Limp IQ; zero EQ/Emotional Intelligence; apogeeic LQ/Lying Quotient. NA nails it, as ever. Yay!
Good one, Nick!
Do these red - capped whackaloons EVEN KNOW what will help them, or are they just pissed at Biden & anyone in the DNC ? Maybe they just miss the flavors of bleach & Ivermectin.
Grievance is their meth.
Preaching to the choir, Wendy. I prefer CBD 8 myself.
Ahh .. I used to tell my students that If your drug of choice is air, you're always high .. tra la la ..
These troglodytes operate on adrenaline to stay pissed off. They're like the student group S.W.I.N.E. from Li'l Abner, Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything.
You can not spell HATRED without RED HAT --> (One of Fat E aka Fate's little Mead-addled joaks [the medieval spelling] to keep us from terminal despair. One thing the CroMAGAnons are brilliant at is Hypocrisy .. Limp IQ; zero EQ/Emotional Intelligence; apogeeic LQ/Lying Quotient. NA nails it, as ever. Yay!
" There is no Hatred without Red Hat ". I like that reasoning.
Cannot have it all around.