Good God, Nick's gone full throttle ! Keep them coming!!! I do love to laugh at Trump's expense !!!!!

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Hahahaha!! You nailed it, Nick

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We've gotten to the point where eating pets was discussed during a presidential debate. Our country is screwed.

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Not necessarily. 100% of media, save the anti-American Traitorous ones, are admitting Vice President Harris CREAMED ole Bonespurs! Even FOX "NEWS" said as much!!!

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I lived in Atlanta-was quite nice! But here in Canada all we can say is WTF?

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Was hoping Bobby Brainwormz would turn up in one of these. Thank you!

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I have to admit when I was watching the debate between Harris and trump I’d had about as much of trump’s blathering as I could stand. I was reaching for the magic channel changer when I heard that stuff about poor old Haitian’s eating white people’s dogs and cats. Now com’on, that’s really funny! I laughed until I cried. Trump has pulled some bone-headed stunts and blabbed a lot of stupid garbage—-and I do mean garbage——but Hatians chasing fluffy down a street? Hatian’s trying to bribe kitties down from a tree for a quick chomp? Said from former president of the US? And he was serious? Ya stepped way over the line Donny. What’s next? Like a comedian said, “You all think black people are eatin’ white people’s dogs? They walking down the street with a dead dog over their shoulder fixin’ to get some supper?” Thanks for the laugh, donnie dirtbag.

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Brainworm Bobby and Eat Dogs Donnie deserve each other. Neither one of these bozoz has any sense. Can't we send these two into exile somewhere?

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cacklchortlᴴᵃᴴᵃ .. #FubarFelon aka #GildedGoon ought NOT rage about Eating Cats.

Do NOT Mess With CatLadies. #CatLadiesVOTE. Grrrrr not purrr.

RatFiggingKKKreep jr is AnimalEaterSupremo ..Thx NA. https://nickanderson.substack.com


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