I am still in a quandary as to how such a degenerate, ignorant person could actually get enough support to put him in the White House. Really, what is wrong with the electorate that they cannot spot a charlatan who is so obvious?

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Drump is now threatening a sitting DA with "death and destruction" and showing drump himself wielding a baseball bat in a Twitter photo. We have here a former President of the United States urging his "followers' to do violence and harm because he might be charged with a misdemeanor? This has got to stop. Our country has become so violent due to the machinations of drump, the radical and corrupt elements in the GOP, and the dangerous anarchists who follow all of the above that I fear for the survival of our democracy. I scarcely recognize this country now. We have had yet another school shooting in our city just a few days ago-17 year old shooter dead by his own hand and two school administrators shot- one still in the hospital. This is how badly drump's violence and hatred have infected nearly every sector of our society. I am seeing evidence of this even in my workplace. This. Must. Stop. Now.

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Great cartoon. Thanks for sendun that great note about the Cresent Hill Library with Keith! Good job. Happy Spring, jane and bert emke

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This cartoon reminds me of a scene from an old movie in which the peasant mob is coming with torches and pitchforks to get poor old Frankenstein. Frankie was far more attractive than drump. Probably smarter, too for badly put together old guy.

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Perfect cartoon. We never know how trump will react or how he will "encourage" others to act/react. And I think it shouldn't matter. I'm hoping the DAs, the DOJ, will treat him and his activities as they would anyone else. You or me. It would be extremely sad that a former U.S. President must be indicted, tried and (hopefully) convicted of wrongdoing. Of putting the country at risk. Of putting our democracy at risk. It's even sadder that voters elected this shell of a person, this egocentric lout, to lead our nation. But the saddest thing would be if he is not at least tried for his suspected crimes. If he is not, if our judicial system plays chicken and loses, the door is open for the next egocentric lout to do more damage. Is our judicial system strong enough to do what it needs to do?

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Their motivation probably also has something to do with crack, meth, overly - active adrenal glands & low skepticism as well as pretty much nonexistent critical thinking.

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Grievance is their meth & their method.

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Just one more thing(Peter Falk as Detective Colombo used to say that before he nailed somebody)-

The situation we find ourselves in today with scenes of violence rocking our society every day is a critical situation. We have to get a place as a nation and democratic society in which we learn to take better care of each other- no matter who we are or how much money we have or which ethnic group we belong to. I am open to suggestions. This is not just about Trump or the feckless GOP or control of Congress. It is about our ability to treat each other with respect, compassion, and justice.

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Your tooning of the #DespotDolt's rabid putrids is so wonderful it makes my day my month my year. Thx NA. http://nickanderson.substack.com.

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