Yes, I attended Grad. School here, and have, sans Military, lived here for 42 years. I am now planning to relocate to Vermont. Better politics, makes my Heart, etc. slow down. I am not ‘taken’ with our gaggle of Rightwingnuts, Conspiracy Theorists, and Lunatic Fringe.
Arizona leads the Nation, tough when you consider Texas, Florida, in mind numbing stupid, devious, and tone deaf.
Try living in Arizona, lots of idiots here swear their votes were counted wrong and that's why Dump didn't win.
Yes, I attended Grad. School here, and have, sans Military, lived here for 42 years. I am now planning to relocate to Vermont. Better politics, makes my Heart, etc. slow down. I am not ‘taken’ with our gaggle of Rightwingnuts, Conspiracy Theorists, and Lunatic Fringe.