Bad days, Good days.... Jack Bruce from Cream, 1969, says " If if wasn't for Bad Luck, I'd have no luck at all" We will have good days, don't stop believing ! Happy Weekend to All !!!

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Thanks for naming my rock god ..

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Please! Take the weekend off and SKIP the posting you were going to make about the bad cabinet posts. We’re all aware of the crappy things going on. Our (collective) responsibilities, right now, are to take care of OURSELVES and to grab joy wherever we can find it! Mexico is a great place to find joy. Just have fun and we’ll be happy to see you again sometime next week! PLEASE DO THIS FOR YOURSELF AND FOR US TOO! Just send a couple vacation pix and that’s it! Love you!

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Gee, who would have thought that going to a country constantly in civil war, gangsters are killing people at resorts, and about to get hit with a hurricane would have issues. Well I would not ever go there but I hope that your trip is safe and fun. Be alert. I once had a friend kidnapped off the street in Mexico City robbed and then abandoned outside the city by THE POLICE, so I am a little biased I admit.

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Wow. That's pretty scary. We've been to Mexico several times and have had mostly very good experiences. But yeah, it's not without its risks.

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I guess I won't complain about my shitty experiences at the Phoenix airport. Although, in time, things could get as bad here as they are in Mexico.

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That’s no way to start a get away, I’m happy to know you arrived safely. Enjoy and thanks for the heads up!

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Pretend you're in a MontyPythonSkit .. thus the worse it gets, the funnier it is. Buena suerte; Bonne chance; Swertehon ka tani; Zorte on. You got all your toon pals on your side.

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Thanks for the heads up for future travels to this area. Hope the rest of your time will be filled with good time. Take care and like another message above, forget about writing on the MAGA cult.

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Thanks for the heads up about the airlines. I wonder if the travel to Belize will be without issues. I’m thinking of moving out of the states

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we feel your pain

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Rest well.

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I hope the wedding is great. Have a drink/beer or two when you finally get there and relax. Can you fly another airline home? Sending hopes and good wishes for a fun rest-of-the-trip!

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Pobre artista

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What a nightmare!

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Never even heard of it ..

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Wow Nick!! I lived in Mexico, so nothing would surprise me! I bet you felt great (or will:) hen you finally arrive!! (your friend will feel bad too, I bet:)

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Ojalá que al fin tengan todos una buena fiesta. We will miss you. To such guideposts of humor do we cling.

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